Feeling quite sad at the moment, as we've decided to have one of our cats put to sleep tomorrow. He's not one that has appeared in many (or any?) blog posts, because his personality is more the cantankerous, skeptical type. His name is Random, named for "random acts of violence and destruction." He was awfully destructive as a kitten...and even beyond! But I love him anyway.
He's a big, black tough-old-guy, former-badass kind of kitty, and he has been depressed since Halfie (the only cat he ever really liked, because he grew up with him) died over a year ago. Random is just about 14 and has been having increasing arthritis and behavior issues (especially concerning territory-marking inside the house). I'm glad he's had a long, good life and will try to focus on that...
It seems like the pain of saying goodbye to them should be miniscule compared to the amount of joy they bring to us. But no, the grief is immense.
And now, because we desperately need to laugh:

This is an angry Rumi-burrito, about to receive some medicine.
By the way, Rumi has recently been on some strong antibiotics, and I'm happy to report that he is about 95% cured. It's amazing to see him looking at the world with two big round eyes!