Friday, September 20, 2013

Untitled 246

Untitled 246, approx. 9" x 12", pastel on Wallis.  Please email for purchase information:
jala [at]

Yes, I am finally painting again! And it feels so good! Frustrating, of course--but it's that artistically satisfying frustration of image-midwifery. Things struggle mightily to be born.
 Have to pack in the cats in size order in order to fit everyone on the couch.

World's best buddies.

More art on my website:


Art Matters said...

So good that you are painting again!! Just starting is half the battle - just work and don't judge !

Looking forward to seeing lots more.

rroseman said...

love to watch your cats, but truly happy to see your pastel paintings again! glad you "weathered"the storm.

Jala Pfaff said...

CLB - Thank you! Good advice.

RR - Thanks very much! and very glad you enjoy my pastels.