Monday, November 26, 2012

Crowded couch

Crowded couch...

 Crowded bed...
No room for moi!

Three of the members of the "Redhead Golden Club" at the local dog park. Can you tell which one is Mojito?
I want to give a big thank you to those of you who have made a donation or bought some art to help me out right now. A couple of donations were made without using ChipIn, so the total is actually a bit higher than what shows here. Many purrs to you all.


Viviane said...

Jala - your "animolecules" seem very pleased with their sleeping arrangements! :-)
The crowded bed reminds me of all those nights I spent trying to fall asleep on the floor NEXT to my bed, while my Greyhound (Ivan) snored away ON it.

ELFI said...

un canapé occupé...:)))

Jala Pfaff said...

Viviane - You and Ivan couldn't fit together on the bed? Poor you. BTW, you are a dear--thank you for the donation.

Jala Pfaff said...

ELFI - Oui, trop occupé pour moi!