Saturday, May 5, 2012

Fennec gets a claw stuck

I was photographing Fennec when he decided to roll over. He was surprised to find he got a thumb-claw stuck. I love his expression when he realized it.

Don't worry, I helped him get unstuck.

More art on my website:


SamArtDog said...

The stupid cat who's Fennec's neighbor got several of his toenails stuck in Garrett's face this afternoon. The next time Stupid Cat comes over to Garrett's backyard, Ima gonna let the dog have a cat chop.

Yes, the picture of Fennec with stuck toe made me laugh hard. Ow.

ELFI said...


Bonnie Luria said...

This sequence is just hysterical. Good thing you were there with the camera AND a helping hand. Now when will we see him in those overalls!!!!

Diane Hoeptner said...

Oh my gosh, that is tooooo funny!

Patrice said...

Poor Fennec!! Help him, help him!!!

Unknown said...

This reminds me of something I thought I'd share...I would have never thought that leather sofas would hold up well with cats but so far so good. My boys seem to know it is too smooth to scratch...and use their scratching posts instead. Yes tiny scratches get everywhere but they just add to a distressed, rustic character, right? ;)