Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Artist friends, please send prayers of peace. It's so hard to write this, but we will be euthanizing my most beloved cat, Halfie, this week, due to renal failure. He has been my best friend for over 13 years. We artists seem to be quite the animal lovers, no? It could be because we are such sensitive and observant people, and anyone sensitive and observant could not possibly be unmoved by the honesty, beauty, and unconditional love that animals give us. Thank you for your kind thoughts.


Anonymous said...

Jala- I didn't want to think this was the content of your post when I saw this sweet face.

How they work their charms into our hearts is beyond measure. And sometimes words too.

I'm so very saddened for you- I get teary just looking at his picture. Very sorry and very sad time.

http://www.onpainting.wordpress.com said...

So sorry, Jala.

It is so painful and sad to loose an old friend.

Casey Klahn said...

He looks like a very sweet fellow.

But, renal failure is painful for the final stages in the cat. My old male cat came to tell me when he was dying...it was a scene I'll never forget and the bond your cat has for you is precious.

Best wishes, Jala.

Anonymous said...

sweet halfahlooh

Anonymous said...

Jala, My prayers and thoughts are with you and your sweet little kitty. I am also an animal lover, and it is the hardest thing to sometimes have to do the ‘right’ thing. Cats make such wonderful friends and companions… and do give us unconditional love. PEACE to you both.

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

You are doing the right thing saving your best friend from the agony of renal failure. I'm sure his spirit will be with you forever. Let yourself grieve as long as you need to - he seems like one special little guy. Take care, you are in my thoughts.

Jala Pfaff said...

Thanks, you guys, very much. I and Halfie appreciate your thoughts.

loriann signori said...

I am so sorry to hear about your loss Jala. It can be devastating to loss a friend. My thoughts of peace are with you.