Friday, December 10, 2010

The bath

An all-kitty interlude while I decide in what configuration my white paintings should go.

Bath time...


This is the cutest vid I've seen in a while. They fitted some cats with little cameras on their collars, let the cats film whatever they saw, then edited the footage into this mini-movie. My favorite parts are the whiskers, the bug, and the way it ends after the credits.


SamArtDog said...

What's happening? The moon is in the sign o the puss?First we post cats. Ack! Then you do. What is this? A cat cabal er what?

The dog is horrified.

Sonya Johnson said...

Hahaha! What a great sequence of photos of the two fur units. It's clear Gadjo likes his Miss Lemon baths.

That video was hysterical! Thanks for posting it. I want one of those for Nelson to see what he does when we are gone. Does he sleep, or run around like those little maniacs were doing?

Marian Fortunati said...

Cute!! I like their little tongues... And the purring...

Katherine van Schoonhoven said...

Love the kitty-cam! Looks like your new kitty is being well taken care of by the others. What a cozy family them are! Oh, yes, and clean, too.