Saturday, September 4, 2010

Life drawing

The last life drawing session for a while...
Leaving Tuesday for India.
Above, the quick warm-ups.

Below, two sessions of about 20 or 25 minutes each.

And below, probably my favorite drawing since art school. 40 or 45 minutes.
These are all pretty big (18" x 24")--I finally got myself a large drawing board and a big pad of charcoal paper. So this one really has some presence.



More art on my website:


Vern Schwarz said...

Jala, these are some very strong drawings. Have a great trip.

Marian Fortunati said...

Nice sketches, Jala!!

You always inspire me to try harder... would love to have your skills.

Robin Pedrero said...

wnderful! I am glad I stopped by! I just posted life drawing pictures too and your are just lovely!!

Bonnie Luria said...

Isn't it great to step away from something you've just done and look at with satisfaction. Statement, not question.
Rightful smugness on this last one Jala- it has presence and solidity.
How will you ever be away from those adorable, darling kitties and dogs?
Can you set up a Skype system for Rumi?

Hope your trip to India yields much progress and new ideas.

Anonymous said...

wonderful lift drawings. I may have to move away from buildings and do a figure. You've inspired me.

Safe travels to India. Can't wait to see more photos of that fascinating and colorful country.

Sheila Vaughan said...

Jala - have a great trip to India. Look forward to your pics when you get back.

Sonya Johnson said...

Great drawings, Jala - I see why the last is your favorite :).

Have a safe and fun trip to India!

Karen Bruson said...

Wonderful drawings. Have a great trip.

Melinda said...

Wow. Great drawings. Love the top grouping of gestures.

Say, I saw at SamArtDog's that you are experiencing some bad allergies because of the fire. I want to encourage you to buy some dust masks (really helps when the air is smoky) and to get tested for allergies--after you've been checked out, of course.

I waited too long and it's taking years for the allergy shots to work. As we age, it's really hard to get our immune systems to respond and calm down. Okay, I'm waaaay older than you.

Stay safe and healthy!